Reducing crime by a further 40 per cent over the next four years and more prevention work to reduce fires and road deaths are challenges contained in the now approved Police and Crime Plan 2024-2028 and Fire and Rescue Plan 2024-2028.
Following re-election in May this year, Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex, was required by law to produce a Police and Crime Plan and a Fire and Rescue Plan.
The Fire and Rescue Plan sets the strategic direction and priorities for Essex County Fire and Rescue Service for the next four years. The Police and Crime Plan sets the priorities for policing and crime in the county for the next four years and informs Essex Police priorities.
After a summer of consultation in which 3,500 people gave their views, the Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan have now been approved by the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Panel, a body of councillors and independent members who scrutinise the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.
Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex, said: “Within these plans I have set challenges to keep county communities safe and cut crime. These are tough challenges, but they are achievable.
“In the 12 months up to April 2024 crime in Essex had fallen by 7.3%. Over the next four years we will get crime down in Essex by a further 40 per cent.
“We can achieve this by working together in partnership to tackle crime, invest in prevention activity and ensure our neighbourhood policing teams are engaged and visible in our communities. We will use data driven activity in known hotspots to solve the problems causing crime and will intervene early to identify and protect vulnerable people and take firm action to deal with known offenders.
“Prevention and protection are at the heart of the Fire and Rescue Plan 2024-2028. We need to increase further the number of home safety visits carried out by fire crews and do more joint Safe and Well visits with other agencies. We also need to do more to educate drivers and improve driver behaviour across the county to reduce harm on our roads and achieve Vision Zero, the aim of eliminating deaths and serious injuries on the county’s roads by 2040.
“The people of Essex elected me to inspire and challenge Essex Police, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service and all community safety partners and I’m confident these plans do exactly that.”
Over the summer more than 3,500 Essex people were consulted on the new plans through workshops, engagement and a public survey.
Partner organisations, such as County and District Councils, Essex Police, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, Business groups, Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs), Victim Services, the NHS, Housing associations, Education services and Voluntary services, also made their views heard.
Cllr Frankie Ricci, Deputy Chairman of the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Panel, said: “The priorities set out in the plans will inspire and challenge Essex Police, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service and all community safety partners to create a safer county for all.
“The plans provide strategic direction for both services that tackle the root causes of crime, improving road safety and protecting the most vulnerable residents. We look forward to seeing these priorities implemented over the next four years that will transform safety in Essex.”
Read the new Police and Crime Plan 2024-2028.
Read the new Fire and Rescue Plan 2024-2028.