Members news from around the county
Restart a Heart 2024

Would your organisation like to take part in Restart a Heart Month in October 2024. If so, contact new Essex Chambers of Commerce member East Saxon Training who will come out to your organisation and run a Restart the Heart Course which will include each learner being taught CPR and be given the opportunity to practice the skill.

The lesson structure is up to you from a one day first aid course to just a one-hour CPR lesson.

East Saxon Training has hundreds of five-star reviews for its training courses and has worked with a range of businesses across Essex to deliver Business to Business Training for the last four years.

Today, if you suffer a cardiac arrest out of hospital in the UK, you have less than a one in ten chance of surviving. In places such as Norway, where CPR is more widely taught, the survival rate is four times that amount. There are several key factors to this success such as increasing the number of Community Public Access Defibrillators, but we know that one major difference is widespread training in CPR.

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