Members news from around the county
Policy Update

Chambers East

With just a few days until the General Election we have been busy working with neighbouring Chambers in the East of England on a Chambers East manifesto. This will set out the key features of the East of England economy and what we believe it needs by way of government support and investment to grow and sustain its position as a region of the UK one that punches above its weight and is a net contributor to the national exchequer.

If you have not seen our recent social media posts about a free webinar on 1 July and are seeing this too late to register or cannot find the manifesto online once launched then please get in touch if you want to find out more.

We have also been supporting a new report on the East of England economy being produced by the East of England Local Government Association. Given that the Eastern Powerhouse has also launched a manifesto recently, there is clearly some potential for confusion. However, these are all pulling in the same direction and together make a compelling case for recognition of the economic importance of the East and for investment in the region. Between them they will form the core themes on which we and partners will continue to lobby on behalf of the East of England.

British Chambers of Commerce (BCC)

I mentioned last month that the BCC had published five ‘asks’ for new government to consider. On the 27 June at its Global Conference, the Director General has called for action in three specific areas:

  • Improving relations with the EU: emphasising the importance of improving EU trade in growing the UK economy, arguing that current arrangements are not working for our members. Better trade terms are possible if the UK government and the EU reach agreement in areas of mutual benefit for business on both sides. 
  • Better partnership working with business: the need for the next Government to use the election as a reset moment. After six weeks of electioneering, businesses will be looking at the next government and who will be true to their word. BCC have argued for a long-term sustainable economic growth plan. Firms don’t want handouts, they want government to create the right environment so they can thrive. Whoever wins the election, Chambers are ready to lean in and help our new government power an economy that has the green transition at its core, with a workforce fit for the future, living in thriving local places and powered by businesses that are globally facing and digitally enabled. 
  • Skills - addressing the need to finally close the UK’s worrying skills gap: Skills are a top concern for our members. It’s time for action to boost investment in skills. It’s not about cutting up existing plans, it’s about making sure the right initiatives are given time to work. The labour market is heading in the right direction, as we see the number of vacancies fall, but businesses are still telling us the skills they need aren’t there. We need to ‘Plan Better for Skills’ aligning our ambition and investment to prepare young people and job seekers for great jobs. 

Thames Freeport Skills Accelerator Pilot Fund and Thames Freeport Community Pilot Fund

These have just been launched, with a very short deadline of 5 July for Expressions of Interest in the first bidding round. However, there will be further rounds announced later in the year.

‘Expressions of Interest’ are invited for potential funding from employers, colleges, universities, third sector organisations and training providers, based in the Thames Freeport area or who are prepared to operate within this area, who, alongside at least one other training provider/or employer, are seeking to address skills gaps or barriers and enhance the current training provision offer to meet local economic needs. 

Institutions or employers can submit more than one proposal and be issued with more than one grant. Skills Pilot Fund bids may be for up to £120,000 and Community Pilot Fund bids up to £50,000.

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