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Festival of Business Jobs Fair: Bridging Talent and Opportunity

New for 2024, the Festival of Business plays host to a Jobs Fair where employers, recruiters, and job seekers come together to network and explore employment opportunities. Offering businesses a unique platform to scout for the right skills and personalities to enhance your teams and drive success.

Forming part of the Business Expo, the Jobs Fair will give you the opportunity to not only showcase your company and elevate your brand, but to connect with a pool of talented individuals actively seeking employment.

Why You Should Exhibit at our Job Fair

Finding, attracting, and keeping the right talent is crucial for any business aiming to grow in today's competitive marketplace. Job fairs offer unique and valuable opportunities that include:

1. Access to a Diverse Talent Pool: By exhibiting at a Job Fair, you can meet wide array of job seekers, from recent graduates to experienced professionals, saving the time and resources that would otherwise be spent on extensive recruitment processes.

2. Immediate Interaction and Networking: Job Fairs provide face-to-face interactions, which is ideal for assessing personality, communication skills, and cultural fit. Additionally, Job Fairs are excellent networking opportunities where you can connect with other businesses, educational organisations, and industry professionals.

3. Enhancing Your Brand Awareness: Enhance your company's brand visibility and reputation as a Jobs Fair exhibitor and showcase your company culture, values, and the opportunities you offer. 

4. Cost-Effective Recruitment: Recruiting can be an expensive process, Job Fairs provide a cost-effective alternative by reducing the costs associated with job postings, recruitment agencies, and extensive screening processes. 

5. Gaining Market Insights: By engaging with job seekers and other exhibitors, you can gain valuable insights into the job market and industry trends, along with a better understanding of what candidates are looking for, the skills in demand, and how your competitors are positioning themselves. 

6. Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility: By supporting local talent and contributing to the economic growth of the region, you enhance your company’s reputation as a responsible and community-oriented business. This demonstrates your commitment to community engagement and corporate social responsibility.

7. Showcasing Innovation and Opportunities: Job Fairs are an ideal platform to showcase your company's innovations, projects, and career development opportunities. Use this opportunity to highlight success stories, employee testimonials, and the benefits of working with your organisation, creating a compelling case for why top talent should join your team.


Tips for Successful Job Fair Participation:

1. Preparation is Key: Establish which roles you are searching for at the event so you know which positions they are aiming to fill when meeting candidates. Plan your stand setup, bring promotional materials, and create a quick pitch about your company.

2. Engage Openly: Interact with candidates, ask open-ended questions, and listen actively to their responses.

3. Provide Information & Collect Resumes: Let candidates know about all available positions and the application process and have a system in place to collect and organise resumes for follow-up. 

4. Provide Information: Let candidates know about all available positions and the application process. You might include a QR Code at your booth that directs to your careers page.

5. Be Approachable: Maintain a friendly and approachable attitude to create a positive experience.

6. Follow Up: After the event, follow up with promising candidates within a couple of days to express interest and schedule interviews.


Join us at the Chelmsford City Racecourse on Wednesday 13th November from 10am until 3pm to showcase your employment opportunities and find your next rising star!


Stand out as an employer of choice and make a lasting impression on potential candidates while engaging with other businesses to build valuable connections within the local business community.

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