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Are you looking to move your goods overseas temporarily?

If you are planning to temporarily move your goods overseas, known as exporting, you need to consider the customs processes involved in doing this. 

When exporting temporarily you will be subject to export and import clearance procedures in both the UK and the country, or countries, you will be visiting. This will include completing customs declarations, paying import duty for goods and complying with the country’s importing rules.

This can prove very time consuming, expensive and a little daunting to businesses. 

One way to save time and money is by using an ATA Carnet to temporarily import your goods into other countries, so you can avoid paying import duty and tax on those goods. 

What is an ATA Carnet?

An ATA Carnet is the simplest duty-free and tax-free method of exporting goods on a temporary basis as it acts as a ‘guarantee’ to foreign countries/territories that all goods will be re-exported within a certain time-frame.

An ATA Carnet is a physical customs document which acts as a 'passport for goods’. It is the simplest duty-free and tax-free method of exporting goods out of the UK and into other countries on the ATA Carnet scheme on a temporary basis.

With an ATA Carnet, businesses may take advantage of:

•    Duty and tax-free imports.
•    No required securities posted with customs.
•    Simplified custom border crossings.
•    Making advance customs arrangements.
•    Trips to multiple countries.
•    Making as many trips with your goods as needed in the 1-year time frame.


What can they be used for?

They can be used to take the following goods overseas: 

Professional equipment - This includes goods such as camera equipment, music/concert equipment, equipment for educational, scientific or cultural purposes, sporting equipment, and manufacturing equipment
Commercial samples - This includes any goods that you might want to take to show overseas customers or potential customers
Goods that you need for display or use at international trade fairs or exhibitions

Perishable, consumable and disposable goods cannot be listed on ATA Carnets. This includes items such as food, water, pens, pencils, leaflets, flyers, etc.

Saleable goods such as band merchandise are also not permitted on ATA Carnets.

What countries are in the ATA Carnet Scheme?

ATA Carnets can be used for entry into the 87 countries that are signed up to the ATA Carnet scheme. This includes all EU territories and more.

The following countries are all part of the ATA Carnet scheme. However, some countries* have special rules in place, which affect how you can use your ATA Carnet. Contact us for country specific information.

Countries that use ATA Carnets:

EU countries that use ATA Carnets:

A particular advantage to using an ATA Carnet for temporary exports to the EU is that as all EU countries are members of the scheme, the same ATA carnet can be used Europe wide. Meaning, once validated by customs at your point of entry, your carnet acts as a 27 nation transit document. No further clearance is required to travel to other EU member states and you can leave the European Union through whichever EU state you choose.

How we can help

We run an ATA Carnet service and have an experienced team who are on hand to assist and advise you. We can process your ATA Carnets via our online eCert platform quickly and easily.

Whether you want to take samples to overseas customers or potential customers, exhibit at a trade fair, or transport professional equipment, we can ensure that you never have to pay duty at the time of import.

Fees vary depending on the value of the goods, the countries visited, the costs for security, and insurance, so please contact us for a quote.


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